WHAT'S INSIDE: 5 Printed Cards, Envelopes, Adhesive, Double Tapes, Crystal Stickers, Paper shapes, Shaker Bags, Decorative Threads & Sentiments.
HOW TO MAKE: Follow the step by step instructions as detailed out on a manual leaflet inside the box to bring your favorite Nautical to life. Our manuals are self-explanatory & kids may require little to no assistance to follow the instructions and create their masterpiece.
CHILD FRIENDLY: The kit comes with child-friendly accessories that are completely safe for all ages. Our products bring with them heaps of confidence that boosts the creative bug in a kid every time they are able to create something beautiful with their little hands.
WHAT KIDS LEARN: Engages your kid’s creativity & brings out his individualistic approach to decorate a card & convey his sentiments to his dear ones by making personalized cards for any occasion.
WHY BUY THIS: Works perfectly as a creative unisex activity kit for children above 5 years of age. Creativity will take a warm turn with these handmade cards, apt for making every day special.